Model of Occupation-Based Palliative Care (MOB-PC)

The Model for Occupation-Based Palliative Care (MOB-PC) was developed in 2019 by Hsin-Hsiu Essential Yeh and Mary Ann McColl based on five themes that emerged in their scoping review of 74 papers. Essential Yeh and McColl (2019) found that the benefits of OT in palliative care are poorly understood, not only by clients, families, and caregivers “but also by other health professionals and occupational therapists themselves” (p. 108). Consistent with the literature, the authors noted that OT practitioners typically feel underprepared to serve seriously ill clients, especially those at the end of life, and asserted that education is essential for increasing confidence and competence. To begin addressing this need, Essential Yeh and McColl (2019) sought to “explore occupational therapy’s professional concepts and corresponding interventions in palliative care and [propose] a practical model to guide intervention based on occupation” (p. 109). MOB-PC is the resulting model.

Figure. One visualization of the relationship between the emergent themes from the Model of Occupation-Based Palliative Care (MOB-PC).

References. (Bye, 1998; Essential Yeh & McColl, 2019; Hammill et al., 2019; Wilcock, 2007)

Graphic by OTpall using Canva Pro (2023) 

MOB-PC is based on five major conceptual themes that emerged from the authors’ research:

Essential Yeh and McColl (2019) combined these five themes to envision MOB-PC as a ship’s steering wheel, stating “the model needs to be seen as a dynamic state with the entire circle moving forward or backward depending on the trajectory of life-threatening disease” (p. 116). Although this model is still in the development phase and in need of additional research, it is one of the few occupation-based OT models designed especially for palliative care settings and can provide a starting point for OT practitioners who are unsure what their role should be when working with seriously ill clients. 


Bye, R. A. (1998). When clients are dying: Occupational therapists' perspectives. Occupational Therapy Journal of Research, 18(1), 3-24. 

Essential Yeh, H-H., & McColl, M. A. (2019). A model for occupation-based palliative care. Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 33(1), 108-123. 

Hammill, K., Bye, R., & Cook, C. (2019). Occupational engagement of people living with a lifelimiting illness: Occupational therapists’ perceptions. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 66(2), 145–153. 

Wilcock, A. A. (1999). Reflections on doing, being and becoming. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 46(1), 1–11. 

Wilcock, A. A. (2007). Occupation and health: Are they one and the same? Journal of Occupational Science, 14(1), 3–8. 

Banner Image: Canyonlands National Park (OTpall, 2021)